Sunday, October 28, 2012

Super 8-Dramatic

 Super 8- Dramatic
            A movie of high quality and great standards to fit every aspect of the film. Super 8 is one of the best movies due to its dramatic aspect. This sci-fi thriller was released in 2011 by a genius director also known as J.J. Abrams. This movie stars Elle Fanning who plays Alice and Joel Courtney who plays Joe Lamb. Along with some other cast and crew members this movie turned out fantastic. This film is about a young boy who is helping in the production of a short film. During this experience Joe and his friends face many adventures and turns in life. This movie was a great block buster but the one aspect of the film that was remarkable, was the dramatic aspect of this film.
                Acting is a major part of drama, and Super 8 portrayed a handful of magnificent acting. The character of Alice Dainard is played tremendously by the gifted actress, Ellie Fanning. It’s hard to seek out good child actors in the movie business but Ellie Fanning is an exception. Ellie play the character of Alice very well. In every scene she is very emotional and stuck to her character like glue. The scene before the train crash the whole filming crew is practicing the scene they are about to film. Alice is playing a wife and when she starts her scene everybody else can’t take their eyes of her. Her acting was soo explicit that everyone thought instead of acting for the camera everyone thinks she is talking directly to them. One of the reasons to watch this movie is to view and live through the acting of Ellie Fanning.
                Another aspect of the dramatic effect is setting. The setting in this movie was in a small town called Lillin. The era of the setting is somewhere within in the 1970’s. Every aspect of the movie leads to the setting of the 1970’s. Every house and building is old and looks like it would be suitable for this time frame. Joe’s friend Charles uses cameras and films that are old and would be used in the 70’s. If Charles used a modern 21st centaury camera then the whole text would be out of sorts, it wouldn’t make sense. Every character was to fit the context. For example Alice’s dad and Donny from the convenient store both had 70’s getup .Alice’s dad had long hair and sideburns and one of the boys from the convenient store had a walkman which would have been new back in the day. Even the small things like the school and the cars at the dealership are all old and made to fit the settings of the 70’s. Everything in Super 8 is made to fit the time frame and that’s what makes the movie unique and extinguishing.
                Props and makeup are both a part of the dramatic concept of a movie. In this film the usage of props is very good. The equipment which is used to make Charles’s film are all very high tech and fit the scene, the same goes for all the equipment the Air Force uses for example the guns and weaponry. The vehicles in this film are very good like Alice’s dads car is very nice and slick as well as the police cars. Makeup in this movie was very detailed and relevant to the scene. Alice’s zombie makeup for Charles movie is very in-depth and actually makes her look like a zombie. After the train collision is extremely detailed because it makes every character look dirty, sweaty and tired. A great example of the use of makeup is blood used on Dr.Woodward and Alice’s dad when they each encounter a car crash. This whole movie is very good in the use of props and makeup.
                Judging by the great aspect of acting, props, makeup, and setting this movie is diffidently under the title of a great dramatic movie. There may have been some other aspects in this movie but dramatic stood out the most. In conclusion Super 8 will go down in history as being a great dramatic film.
Zombie Makeup on Alice

1 comment:

  1. Overall, a reasonable response with a few exceptions:

    1.The font colour for this blog is terrible and caused me to see red lines in my vision. It also gave me something of a headache.

    2. In the second paragraph you are discussing the acting. However, you confuse the acting that the character is doing in the film with the actual acting that the actress is doing.

    3. The period of the film is in the early 80's, not the 70's.

    4. When you refer to a film as a "dramatic movie" you are stating that it belongs in the drama genre. I know that this is not what you meant so please take care to write in a way that will state what you mean more clearly.
